Friday, June 20, 2008

BUSY Week!

Well Lynae started swimming lessons two days a week, gymnastics and the summer reading program at two libraries this week. Needless to say we have been on the go which is good b/c she gets bored easily! This also means that I have less time to check e-mail.

Nate started spitting up a little this week which occupies more of my time b/c I am trying to hold him upright after I feed him. I have also started paying more attention to how long I let him eat - I think he may just be eating too much at once for his little tummy (notice how large it is in the bath). I can tell that he is growing b/c I can't fasten his diaper as tightly.

On Tuesday we took Nate to his first cattle show the Northwest Jr. Livestock Show - it's a small local show that was in Winston. Thank goodness the humidity was low and Nate was able to stay most of the day - Johnny Rogers was the judge and we were able to take to him to lunch.

Neil started a small animal sale on Friday nights (sheep, goats, poultry, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.) in Turnersburg. Lets hope that it goes well and he will earn some extra income.

Here's some new pics.


Callie Birdsell said...

Love the new pics!!! I like the last one where he's smiling/laughing. I guess the next time I'll get to see him is the Ratledge wedding.

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable! I can't wait to get my hands on him... lol! I Love Ya'll!