Tuesday, September 9, 2008

County Fair

Miss Lynae had BEST OF SHOW for the 8 and under crafts with her snowman. She also earned a blue ribbon with her blueberries, and wildflowers. She got second with her goat Brownie, pencil drawing, photograph, painted picture, weaved pot holder and 3rd with her tomatoes, sun catcher, and the pot holder from home furnishings.

Our 4-H club won Reserve Champion with our fair booth.

Finally, Lynae had the Grand Champion Heifer AND Bull. A GREAT fair!

Lynae lost another tooth and Nate can roll from his stomach to his back. He can also take the rattle out of your hand with a little bit of hard work and some grunting. He can also say "bhuhhh" while pressing his lips together - guess you have to hear it in person.

We were too tired to take pictures of the cattle last night - I'll try to get some out in the pasture tomorrow.

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