Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Tooth

No not Nate...Lynae - she pulled her tooth today at after-school. The one beside it is lose too - won't school pictures be cute?


Callie Birdsell said...

The pics are great!! Chelsie has a lose tooth, but won't let anyone get anywhere close to her. She got her hair cut this week, and it's almost Lynae's cut. Megan said if she and Dad don't want to comb it or put it back any more than they do, she shouldn't have any hair.

LOVE the pics of Nate. It looks like the Dedication went very well. Sorry, I'll try not to be such a stranger.

cloveragent said...

Some kid at after-school (I don't think Lynae even knows his name) taught Lynae how to pull her tooth b/c she couldn't eat her cookie at snack. Before that no one could get close to her!

Lynae is letting her hair grow out, but I have Megan's philosophy about it - let me style it OR ELSE...